Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time to get back on the tracks...

Hi folks, 
I know it's been a long time (as you can see from previous posts, I thought this might cause a problem). I'm down 50 lbs and I'm ready for the next 20 to come off. I really feel like I'm just now entering new territory with weight loss since I'm just starting to see weights I haven't seen in over 7 years. I'm not going to give excuses, but I need to boost the exercise too. On that note, is it just me or do you find that your job really impacts your motivation? I have a full time job and two small children. They're out of school and activities for the summer, so my schedule should be more conducive to finding "me" time. seems that when the kids' stuff winds down, the work and OT increases. When this happens, I get more stressed and more tired and more "unwilling" to exercise.  It really is a vicious circle - too tired to exercise, but if exercised, wouldn't feel so tired?! I still struggle with feeling guilty over spending time exercising rather than spending time with my kids or doing other things that need to get done - grocery shopping, errands, cleaning. 

Anyone with thoughts, suggestions, tough love - send them my way. It can't be any worse than what I tell myself. 

Hope everyone is having success!